Our Belief
At LearnEducation, we believe that success in education demands a team approach.
We also believe it's pretty simple to explain why our team approach is essential:
At the heart of everything we do, there is a child.
That child is a student, cared for by family, taught by teachers, and embedded in a school.
Communication between all of us leads to the best ideas.
Coordination leads to effective implementation.
And collaboration is vital because we all share in the responsibility.
So we're all on the same team because we're all on that child's team.
Our Approach
We approach all that we do with the mindset that everyone wants to be successful.
Sometimes we just need the right tools and the right opportunities to get there.
Together, we will find the right tools and we will create the right opportunities, and we will get there.
Our Experience
We have walked in the shoes of our students.
We are parents, teachers, coaches, psychologists, social workers, and administrators.
We've built up schools from the inside; we have developed schools from the outside.
And all experiences have demonstrated to us that everyone has a unique set of skills...
and every unique set of skills can be leveraged toward greatness.
We will work with you, the student, to figure out your strengths and challenges.
We will work with you, the parent, to advocate for and support your child.
We will work with you, the teacher, to meet your students' needs.
We will work with your school to identify, leverage and develop the strengths within.